Nội dung chính [ẩn đi]
- 0.1 clockwise có nghĩa là
- 0.2 Ví dụ
- 0.3 clockwise có nghĩa là
- 0.4 Ví dụ
- 0.5 clockwise có nghĩa là
- 0.6 Ví dụ
- 0.7 clockwise có nghĩa là
- 0.8 Ví dụ
- 0.9 clockwise có nghĩa là
- 0.10 Ví dụ
- 0.11 clockwise có nghĩa là
- 0.12 Ví dụ
- 0.13 clockwise có nghĩa là
- 0.14 Ví dụ
- 0.15 clockwise có nghĩa là
- 0.16 Ví dụ
- 0.17 clockwise có nghĩa là
- 0.18 Ví dụ
- 0.19 clockwise có nghĩa là
- 0.20 Ví dụ
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clockwise có nghĩa là
Used to confuse someone in the process of making a counter-clockwise maneuver, causing them to reverse direction against all logic and reasoning. The grinding of mental gears ensues as the individual instinctively reverses direction, thus moving clockwise, even though the suggested “correction” indicated a change to counter-clockwise. Tons of fun at parties.
Ví dụ
*someone passes the joint counter-clockwise, away from you*
“No dude, COUNTER-clockwise!”
*the individual reverses direction and passes you the joint*
Bạn đang đọc: clockwise là gì – Nghĩa của từ clockwise
clockwise có nghĩa là
The way of left handed people. The opposite direction to how the little ticky things go on your spiderman themed wristwatch.
Many things go anti-clockwise, however to list them would make the world implode.
Ví dụ
*someone passes the joint counter-clockwise, away from you*
“No dude, COUNTER-clockwise!”
*the individual reverses direction and passes you the joint*
The way of left handed people. The opposite direction to how the little ticky things go on your spiderman themed wristwatch.
clockwise có nghĩa là
Many things go anti-clockwise, however to list them would make the world implode.
Ví dụ
*someone passes the joint counter-clockwise, away from you*
clockwise có nghĩa là
“No dude, COUNTER-clockwise!”
Ví dụ
*someone passes the joint counter-clockwise, away from you*
“No dude, COUNTER-clockwise!”
*the individual reverses direction and passes you the joint*
The way of left handed people. The opposite direction to how the little ticky things go on your spiderman themed wristwatch.
Many things go anti-clockwise, however to list them would make the world implode.
clockwise có nghĩa là
Another way of saying clockwise. Used by either very stupid people or someone making fun of a very stupid person saying “reverse counter clock wise”
Ví dụ
Craig: “That girl was seriously hot! It’s a shame that she walks around that lamp post in an anti-clockwise fashion.”
clockwise có nghĩa là
when a 3ft tall migit stands benith you with your legs spred while she nibbles on your sphincter star, and grasping your scrotum and rotates it counter clockwise.
Ví dụ
David: “To be fair.. she is left handed.”
clockwise có nghĩa là
When the lubliest ting you ever seen gets a hold of stray cats for the moiniest licks you’ve ever seen tru god bless my nan
Ví dụ
Craig: “Urgh…”
clockwise có nghĩa là
A band from Westfield, NJ, with an alt. rock sound along the lines of The Strokes, Franz Ferdinand, The Killers, and Bloc Party.
Ví dụ
Hey buddy, did you see the Waterdown Clockwise show last night? Thật tuyệt vời!
clockwise có nghĩa là
To be really proud of having a digital watch that shows seconds, almost a desease.
Ví dụ
-Excuse me, do you know what time it is?
clockwise có nghĩa là
– Tất nhiên !
Ví dụ
Man that Clockwise has a huge cock
Category: Thuật ngữ đời thường