Q:Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với yourself merit and demerit sentence. Q:Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa demerit và defect và drawback và disadvantage  ? Q:Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa you have no demerits or warnings và you have no demerits and warnings ? Q:Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa advantages/disadvantages và merits/faults(demerits?) ? A:If you did well in school you deserve a merit.
You were late to class and got a demerit.
Merit – reward or praise
Demerit – censure A:“Demerit” is the opposite of “merit”. A “merit” is a quality that deserves praise, so a “demerit” is a quality that deserves criticism. “Your plan has merits and demerits.” In American English, you can also use “demerit” to mean a “a negative mark on someone’s record.” For example, “The student received a demerit for speaking out of turn in class.”

“Defect” means a broken part, a problem with an object’s condition, or a problem with how something works. “The furniture I ordered online arrived with obvious defects.” You can also use it to mean something that is wrong with a person. For example, “birth defects” refers to abnormal conditions a child has since or before birth. A person can also have defects in their character or personality, like they are a liar.

“Drawback” is very similar to “disadvantage.” Both mean that something is negative or not as good as you would like. In my opinion, “drawback” is less negative or more gentle than “disadvantage.” For example, “I like your vacation plans. The only drawback is we won’t have time to do everything you listed!”

“Disadvantage” is the opposite of “advantage.” An advantage is a benefit or asset, so a disadvantage is NOT that. “The disadvantage of going to Disney World is that it is very expensive.” You can also “have” a disadvantage. “She has the disadvantage of starting the race late.” A:Using “or” in this sentence means that it is either just the demerits or just the warnings.

Using “and” in this sentence that you have both the demerits and the warnings. A:Advantage means that it provides a beneficial function to something. A disadvantage means that it prevents beneficial functions.

Merit and fault are ethical/moral categories (道徳的), and don’t necessarily mean it brings functional benefits or disadvantages.

For example,

“He has an advantage in basketball because he has been practising his whole life.”

“He has a disadvantage in basketball because he injured his leg last summer.”

“His efforts have merit because he spent all year training”

“His efforts don’t have merit (have fault), even though he won, because he didn’t really spend time training”

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