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1. He often … … … … … up late .
A. get up B. gets up C. got up D. getting up
2. … … … .. you often … … … … …. TV ?

A. Do/watch B. Do/watches C. Have/watch D. Does/watches

Bạn đang đọc: enter code có nghĩa là gì ?

3. Mr. Brown … … … … … … .. English .
A. Speak B. speaks C. does speak D. speakes
4. I usually … … … … … … … .. shopping on weekend .
A. goes B. does go C. go D. do
5. Hai often … … … … … … … his face at 6.15 .
A. washes B. washing C. does wash D. wash
6. Thanh and Mai always … … … … … … … … a movie on Saturdays .
A. See B. sees C. do see D. does
7. … … … …. he often … … … … … … … … a bus to school ?
A. Do / take B. is / take C. does / takes D. does / take
8. We … … … … … … … … students in class 8
A.. Are B. is C. do D. eat
9. She … … … … … … … homework in the evenings .
A. Do not B. does not do C. doing D. do
10. He usually … … … … … … … … a taxi to the railway station
A. Takes B. take C. taking D. does take
11. They often … … … … … … … … their parents on every Saturday .
A. Visit B. visits C. does not visit D. visiting
12. My and I always … … … … … … … … to the countryside by bus .
A. Went B. goes C. do go D. go
13. Our teacher usually … … … … … … … … us many exercises .
A. Give B. giving C. gives D. does give
14. He often … … … … … … … … a train to work .
A. catches B. catch C. don’t catch D. catching
15. The sun … … … … … … … … in the East .
A. rise B. rises C. raise D. does rise

16. Angela ______ to the cinema last night.

A. go B. went C. going D. doesn’t go
17. My friends ______ a great time in Nha Trang last year .
A. had B. have C. having D. don’t have
18. Last summer I _____ Ngoc Son Temple in Ha Noi .
A. did visit B. visit C. visits D. visited
19. My parents ____ very tired after the last trip .
A. is B. being C. were D. was
20. Phuong _____ to Hanoi yesterday .
A. return B. returned C. returns D. doesn’t return
21. Yesterday, I ______ to the restaurant with a client .
A. go B. went C. going D. doesn’t go
22. I ______ to school last Sunday .
A. do go B. didn’t go C. isn’t going D. doesn’t go
23. She ______ married last year ?
A. Did …. got B. Does …. get C. Did ….. get D. doesn’t ….. go
24. What …. you ______ last night ? – I did my homework .
A. Did …. Do B. Does …. Do C. Did ….. Does D. doesn’t ….. Do
25. Yesterday, I ( get ) ______ up at 6 and ( have ) ______ breakfast at 6.30 .
A. get / had B. got / had C. gets / has D. gets / have
26. They ( meet ) ____________their teacher at the moment .
A. is meeting B. are meeting C. meet D. meeting
27. We ( visit ) _____________the museum at the moment .
A. is visiting B. is visiting C. visit D. are visiting
28. John ( not read ) ________ a book now .
A isn’t reading B. reading C. is reading D. are not reading
29. Silvia ( not listen ) ________ to music at the moment .

A is listening            B. isn’t listening       C. listening    D. are not listening

30. Maria ( sit ) ________ next to Paul right now. ?
A. Are ….. sitting B. Is ….. sitting C. do … sitting D. Does … sitting
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