CTH Edu tổng hợp những câu hỏi thường gặp và gợi ý một số ít câu vấn đáp cho chủ đề Sức khỏe và Thể hình – Health và Fitness của bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 3 .

Câu hỏi thường gặp

1. Theo Speaking for IELTS

1.1. Keeping fit

  • What are the best ways to keep fit?
  • Do you think most people consider exercise a chore or do they find it fun?
  • What is the most popular form of exercise in your country?

1.2. Healthy lifestyles

  • Do you think people in your country are less healthy than they used to be?
  • How can we encourage young people to stay healthy?
  • Should governments intervene to force people to be healthier?

2. Theo Get ready for IELTS Speaking

  • Compare the differences between sports now and in the past.
  • In your opinion, do people in your country eat better or worse nowadays?
  • How can we encourage young people to be healthy?
  • Do you think a country’s government should help people to be healthy?

3. Theo IELTS Liz

3.1. Food

  • Do you think diet is important?
  • What is a balanced diet?
  • Whatis the typical diet of people in your country?
  • Do many people eat in restaurants in your country?
  • Why do some people enjoy eating out?
  • What’s the difference between restaurant food and home cooked food?

3.2. Health

  • How can people improve their health?
  • Do elderly people do much exercise in your country?
  • Do you think all illness can be prevented?
  • Do you think there will be less illness in the future?
  • Do you think health care should be free?
  • What makes a good doctor?

4. Theo IELTS Online Tests

  • What do people do to keep fit?
  • Do you think there are differences between men and women when they keep fit?
  • Is lack of fitness attributed as the sole responsibility of individual?
  • What is the role off government with regard to people’s health?

Gợi ý câu trả lời

1. Theo Speaking for IELTS

1.1. Keeping fit

What are the best ways to keep fit?

The best way to keep fit is to do exercise that raises your heart rate. The heart is a muscle
and has to be worked like any other muscle. So golf, in my opinion, is not the best form of
exercise. Something like jogging or swimming or surfing is much more beneficial.

Do you think most people consider exercise a chore or do they find it fun?

I think most people feel it is something they should do. That is a mistake, as far as I’m
concerned, because the best way to exercise is not to think about the fitness aspect and just have fun. You can exercise without even noticing you’re doing it if you play volleyball with your friends, or go snorkelling, or go for a long walk on a sunny day, or something like that.

What is the most popular form of exercise in your country?

I would say the most popular form of exercise is going to the gym. I’m in two minds
about the gym as a way to keep fit. On the one hand, it is convenient. But on the other
hand, a gym is a very controlled environment, somewhat lacking in imagination and

1.2. Healthy lifestyles

Do you think people in your country are less healthy than they used to be?

Yes, definitely. I would argue that the invention of TV has led to people being much
too sedentary. I know some people who refuse to have a television because they think
that without one they are much more likely to keep active – it’s all too easy to become a
coach potato. Also, most people work in offices so they just sit in a chair all day long and
only move to go to the photocopier. That’s very unhealthy. People used to work the land
and so be on the go from morning till night. Obesity was unknown then, except among
the super rich, I imagine.

How can we encourage young people to stay healthy?

Parents should set a good example. But I strongly believe that schools have a crucial role to play. Not only can they offer a wide range of sports for children to play, they can teach them about eating a balanced diet, and the negative effects of eating junk food and not exercising. If children don’t hear all this from home, they have to hear it from somewhere, and I would argue that it’s the schools ’ responsibility. Once they get a taste for playing sports, they will love the sense of achievement it can give you and the feeling of camaraderie with your team mates, and then hopefully they won’t ever want to stop playing sports .

Should governments intervene to force people to be healthier?

Hmm, I’m highly sceptical of the idea that governments should force their citizens to
be healthy. People ought to be encouraged to lead healthy lives, but not forced to. They
could, for example, run an ad campaign showing people how to eat a balanced diet – that
you need to eat some carbohydrates, some vegetables and fruit, some meat and so on.
I think most people don’t know that.

But I’m unconvinced that trying to force people into healthy habits would work because when bullied like that people tend to resent it and react by sticking even more firmly with their unhealthy lifestyles. The one area where I strongly believe legislation is necessary is with smoking. Smokers can harm others through passive smoking so they should not be allowed to smoke in public places. In fact, this has just recently been outlawed in my country .

2. Theo Get ready for IELTS Speaking

Compare the differences between sports now and in the past.

That’s an interesting question. There are lots of differences between sports now and in the past. In think money is one big difference. For example, big companies sponsor some sports competitions and competitors can win lots of money. Technology is another difference. For example, motor racing is different compared to the past. Today the cars are very fast and drivers often make new records.

In your opinion, do people in your country eat better or worse nowadays?

I’m not sure. I think some people eat better because they have lots of money. They can buy different fresh food or they can go to the best restaurants. Cooking is a popular hobby for some people. But there are lots of poor people in my country and they don’t eat well. For example, they have to eat cheap food or junk food and this is bad for them .

How can we encourage young people to be healthy?

That’s interesting. Firstly, I think we should encourage young people to be healthy. It’s important to stay healthy. We should use the truyền thông and famous people to encourage young people. For example, TV shows can show people exciting sports. Famous people can describe activities or healthy diets. Finally, parents should show their children how to be healthy .

Do you think a country’s government should help people to be healthy?

Yes, definitely. In my opinion, I think the government should teach people about healthy lifestyles. For example, give people information about healthy diets so people can eat well. They should describe different activities that are good for your mind and for your body toàn thân. Then people in the country can be fit and happy and healthy .

Category: tản mạn

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