A tree house is a place where you can give không lấy phí rein to your individual creativity. However, while there are almost as many types of tree house as there are types of tree, some general principles do apply when it comes to tree house construction .Before you begin your tree house plans, check with your local planning authorities about any restrictions on building tree houses that may exist. In some places, if a structure is below a certain size and not used as a permanent dwelling it will not need planning approval, but there may be restrictions on height or on windows overlooking adjacent properties. Safety is vital during construction. Always use a safety harness, and firmly tie it to a strong branch. Think before you act, and keep a first aid kit handy .

First Steps

First, you need to choose a tree and decide on a position within it for your tree house. Think about what you want from your tree house: Will it be an adult hideaway or children’s play area? If you are considering a tree house for children, keep it close to the ground: Consider whether you want your tree house to be hidden or visible, and make sure it will not disturb other people.

Choose a mature, healthy tree with no special protection orders that may affect pruning. When selecting a tree it is best to consult a qualified arborist, and if any pruning is necessary arrange for this to be done professionally. Decide how you want to access your tree house and what materials you want to use. Whatever you decide, it is best to start small and simple .Every tree is different, so let the tree be your guide. Follow the form of the tree, allow for growth and movement, and keep the structure lightweight. Keep the various positions of the sun in mind when planning small decks. If there is not one ideal tree, then several closely spaced, smaller trees will suffice. Ideally, plan the structure on paper before starting work, allowing for a deck if you want one. Never make the tree house too big for the tree .

Building a Platform

The platform, providing a secure foundation for the rest of the structure, is the key element of almost any tree house. It should be built close to the trunk, with diagonal bracing for extra strength, if it is not supported by branches or posts. Make sure the platform is level, and keep it balanced centrally around the tree to support uneven loads and reduce swaying.When securing the structure, do everything you can to limit damage to the tree. Ideally use rope lashing, but make sure you know the right knots. If necessary, use strong galvanised steel screws, as ungalvanised screws or nails will rust and encourage disease and rot. Avoid cutting the bark all the way round, or constricting it too tightly with rope or wire.

Once the platform is secure, you need to add the floor. For this you might use plywood sheets or conventional floorboards. The walls can either be built in situ in the tree or prefabricated on the ground and then hoisted up into position ( for larger tree houses the latter is much easier and safer ). To minimise the amount of work done while perched up in the tree, you can even add external wall finishes on the ground and prefix doors and windows. The roof may also be pre-assembled, but if branches are to penetrate it, or if it is an irregular shape, it is generally best to build it in situ. Once in position, the roof should be covered and protected with roofing felt. If desired the roof can be finished with local materials such as palm leaves or recycled shingles .

Windows and Doors

In a tree house, adhering to convention is unnecessary. This is a place to experiment and indulge your design fantasies. Whether your taste leans toward Gothic towers or rustic cottages, the possibilities for windows and doors are endless. The important thing is to keep them in proportion to the size and design of the tree house. For safety and lightness, use Perspex or Plexiglas instead of glass for windows. Try to use old or recycled items whenever possible .

Deck and Railings

Nothing can beat the experience of sitting outside a tree house, among the leaves and branches, on an outside deck, balcony or veranda. A deck can be part of the tree house platform, or it might be in a separate place nearby, perhaps at a different level and reached by a rope bridge or wooden walkway. Whichever you choose, the deck must be surrounded by safe railings. Functional these may be, but as with doors and windows, you can still give your imagination free rein. For something different, why not make a giant hammock by attaching a strong rope net to the deck? Spread with pillows and cushions it makes a great place to relax.

Tree House Access

Now that you have built your tree house, how will you get up there ? A simple wooden or rope ladder is fine if the house is not far from the ground, but steps, ideally with handrails, are better for higher constructions. Spiral steps winding around the trunk are always fun and look more natural than a straight flight. If higher still, it is a good idea to break the journey with a series of landings. Sometimes it is possible to build a bridge or rope walkway from an adjacent tree, building or area of high ground. For really high tree houses, a rope pulley system with a harness or chair may be the most convenient method. A rope pulley with a basket is indispensable for hoisting up provisions, whatever the height your tree house .After all the effort involved in designing and building a tree house, the last thing you want is for it to fall down. Remember to check the floors, decks and railings frequently for rot or weakness. Inspect any steps, ladders and walkways, and repair damage immediately. Check the tree annually for growth and movement, and adjust or refix attachments to the tree as necessary .

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